Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I will be presenting a paper
Some questionable web construction approaches and practice
at WASET Singapore 2010

2010-08-12: I wrote the following about WASET in a correspondence:
WASET's management is a huge problem.  WASET may have some good ideas, but their web sites and management styles are ineffective and easily raise suspicions about their competence and credibility.   Some examples:
  • Registration should be done online with a credit card.  The current practice of requiring wiring money must be abolished.
  • Final conference program should not be published as a PDF file.  Such practice is ineffective and does not engender professional respect.
  • Owing to the same ineffectiveness, as of today,  post-April 2010 WASET papers remain invisible on the Net.  See   http://www.waset.org/proceedings.php
I searched Google for WASET Singapore 2010 and could scarcely find any information.   It appears that the original web pages that announced and attracted me to WASET August 2010 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronic & Communication Engineering mega conferences in Singapore have been taken off line.  To promote the conference, more information about the conference should be available, instead of less or none.  If WASET is not promoting the conference in which I am presenting a paper, then I feel I should.  Thus, this update.
2010-08-03: An update:
I took this entry off line after I finally received a response from WASET on 2010-07-29, as follows:
Dear Delegate,
The Updated Singapore Conference Program is available at http://www.waset.org/programs/Singapore10.pdf

Best regards,
B. Brojack
Reading the pdf, you can see my paper Some questionable web construction approaches and practice is scheduled to be read on the first day of the multi-conferences, Wednesday, 2010-08-25.

WASET does not respond to my request for refund, so I assume it will not happen.

I decided to bring this entry back online after I received inquiries about it.  Many people are as anxious and curious about WASET as I.

A friend wrote:
I hope for your sake that WASET turns out not to be a fraud. Do Tweet or ILT [meaning, send updates to the I Love Taiwan google group] the updates on the situation as you have them. 
I too hope WASET offers genuinely useful conferences for scholarly presentation and publication.   If I go to WASET August 2010 Singapore multi-conferences, I promise the world an update.]  

After a paper I submitted to the August 2010 WASET (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technologyconference in Singapore was accepted for presentation and publication,  I began to suspect that WASET is a fraud.  To my surprise,  before mid-June 2010, repeated google searches for waset resulted in no negative comments against WASET, save for one web site I could not take seriously.   I will explain later why I suspected WASET a fraud.

I decided not to pay the $450 Euros registration fee until I received an email from alerts@waset.org, stating
the Tentative SINGAPORE 2010 Conference Program is available at http://www.waset.org/programs/Singapore10.pdf
I was not impressed with the conference program.  But it changed my mind about not registering because it appeared to show some real people presenting papers.  I am a University of San Diego professor.  I submitted a paper to WASET August 2010  Singapore conference because I will be in Asia at that time.  I had invested a significant amount of time with WASET after I made a decision to submit paper to it, and made my paper conform to its required layout, format and style.   If I had made a mistake, let me bite the bullet.

As a prerequisite to register online, I needed to wire 450 Euros to an account in Dubai, United Arab Emirate.  This felt more like paying a ransom than paying for a conference.   Why couldn't WASET accept a credit card, like anyone else? Worse, my bank charged me $35 for the international wiring.

Interesting, yet most unpleasant things began to happen after I wired the 450 Euros. Here is a summary
  • registration for the conference at http://www.waset.org/author.php failed using whatever browser and whatever file format the registration page instructs.
  • To date, I sent more than fifteen requests to WASET  for help.  They ignored most of them.   When they did respond,  they wanted me to try http://www.waset.org/author.php again and again.
One response was promising.
Dear Author,
Thanks for registration! We have received your documents.
Best regards,
B. Brojack, Secretariat
In this message, Brojack, Secretariat assured me that I had finally registered.  But her/his next message asked me to try http://www.waset.org/author.php again, even though I complained repeatedly that this registration page always failed with  the same error message.

Finally, I wrote B. Brojack, Secretariat of WASET, for either straightening out my registration impasse, or else refunding my 450 Euros.   No response!

To summarize, I wired 450 Euros to an account in Dubai, UAE to pay for the registration fee for a WASET conference in Singapore.  I was instructed to register for the conference online at http://www.waset.org/author.php, which always failed. I wrote WASET to request for help. They ignored me.  I asked for refund, they also ignored. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

一分鐘破陳致中 疑召妓案

既然有召妓的時間和打到應召站的電話通話記錄, 用通連記錄來追查不是馬上水落石出嗎? You might be interested in reading a related true story on the same blog: Alibi everywhere.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can we rely on Google for critical missions?

  1. In the last post, I mentioned that my Google site [I Love Taiwan] Google Group stopped working for about a month now.   Repeated requests to Google Inc for help produced no useful response.  A friend asked:
    Do you have any idea what they think you did, or why they think they are justified in cutting off service?
    Nope.   I am confident the site became inaccessible not because of the content of the site, or anything I have done.
    For the near term, I think you need to come up with a good, clear, concise explanation of what happened leading up to the suspension of service, and why Google might have suspended your account.  Then explain why Google was wrong to do what they did.   Finally, you should lay into Google for being unresponsive and stonewalling, in apparent violation of their prime directive not be be evil.
    Nothing I can think of can justify disability of my Google site; it just happened out of the blue.  Google is not suspending my account.  In fact, all of my Google apps continue to work perfectly except my existing Google sites.  A far-fetched speculation is that China made Google Inc disable my site because one of its subsite is Taiwan is not a part of China.  If this is true, then Google Inc is helping China silence people and the whole world should be prepared to fight not just China, but also Google Inc.
  2. Consider an even more serious disruption of Google service, and even more serious loss of years of historical data for Taiwan.  The following is copied from http://taiwanyes.com/tvfilm_201007.php; The most shocking is that an youTube (a Google company) account twyes2 has been eliminated. As a result, so went all the videos Taiwan Yes 2 had uploaded to youTube over the years.  These include many years of the recordings of the daily talk shows 大話新聞 and 新台灣論壇 that constitutes a faithful recording of the history of Taiwanese' struggle for democracy.   
    7/13/2010 - 在 Youtube 的 twyes2 帳戶被 Youtube 刪除了,所以連帶其他節目也被刪除了。而且另一帳戶 twyes 也收到 Youtube 的第一次通知 。
    還有不知是否與下列新聞有關 「蘇麗 媚搶進中國 公開迎合馬英九 有線電視買賣大戰引關注
    7/12/2010 - 今天收到 Youtube 的第二次通知
    7/11/2010 - 貼出別的Youtube網友上載的大話新聞。
    7/6/2010 - 由於收到如下Youtube和三立電視通知 "侵權聲明 您所上傳的影片已侵害三立電視之權利,例如大話新聞....,請立即下架避免觸法!" 所以不再上載三立電視之節目。 
Are the two things related?  If they are, it is too frightening for humanities. It means China and other evil forces can make Google Inc silence dissenters,  prevent truth be told, and hide things they wish censored.

Friday, July 9, 2010

When Google messes up your life
and ignores your request for help

Google has become a very important part of my life.  For example, I count on Google to make sure my Google site [I Love Taiwan] Google Group  work smoothly 24/7.  When an important Google service stops working and Google would not help fixing it, it is a very serious problem.

Here is an example. For more then three weeks now, my Google Sites have become disabled while all other Google Apps continue to work. I wrote many times to ask for assistance, getting no useful response, and the Sites continues to be disabled.

When we rely on Google for important services such as Email, Sites, Calendar, Blogs, Google Apple Engine, etc., any disruption of these services is a disruption to our lives. Google Inc must be sensitive to users' needs. Internet users should ask Google Inc whether they can rely on its services.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Taiwan president's office: we will not watch youTube videos for fear of getting virus

拒連民眾陳情網址 馬政府:怕中毒 【7/6 18:39】

竹南大埔自救會成員代表下田把遭怪手輾倒的稻子扶起,並高喊 「反對徵收、農民團結」。(記者彭健禮攝)
竹南大埔自救會成員被警方與國安局人員組成的人牆隔離。(記者 彭健禮攝)
苗栗縣竹南大埔自救會不滿縣府強徵民地,且侵權施工,再度攔阻 施工,警方擔心發生衝突,圍起人牆將自救會成員與施工人員隔離。(記者彭健禮攝)
〔本報訊〕馬總統到底有沒有苦民所苦?還是認為眼不見為淨呢?苗栗縣先前發生的的大埔農地徵收事件,就有網友寄e-mail向馬政府陳情,當中附上一段 youtube的陳情相關網址,但府方看到後居然回信表示,為防止駭客入侵或擔憂電腦中毒,因此無法連結不明網站。許多網友知道後,直呼太誇張!

這段youtube影片內容是,政府為了徵收大埔農地將怪手無情的開入並毀壞農田的影片。有網友將這段影片上傳至youtube,並將網址寄給府方,希 望馬總統能看到也能夠正視這個問題。


總統府發言人羅智強表示,從民進黨執政時期開始,基於治安考量,總統府所受理的信件,原則上不擷取所附之連結,若民眾有意見,總統府會再與相關人士做進 一步研究。

有網友們聽到後直呼這真是太扯了,因為不止總統府網站本身在youtube就有連結,youtube也是全球最大的影音分享平台,怎麼會是來路不明的網 站呢?有網友直接表示說,現在全球的政府紛紛與社群網站接軌,馬政府不想看就算了,怎麼可以說網站有毒呢?雖然府方事後回應,即便是知名網站,都有資訊安 全的疑慮,但不排除未來以更彈性的處理方式。但馬政府面對民眾陳情的處理態度,不免令人質疑是不是謹慎過了頭呢?

苗栗縣政府不等府院裁定 硬挖大埔稻田